So, you're ready for the beach, equipped yourself with umbrellas, balls, beach toys, food and drink to make your trip awesome. But the issue is that you simply can't bring all that stuff at once.
The Havana Outdoors Beach Wagon makes carrying your outdoor gear super convenient! a must-have when camping, or even moving things around the yard when gardening.
Made with a strong and sturdy steel frame and rubber wheels that roll easily over the sand, this wagon has a massive weight capacity of 80kg so you can load it up with absolutely everything you need for your day in the sun!
This utility wagon cart is designed to be long-lasting and durable with a large capacity to be your ideal outdoor activity assistant. You can store almost anything you want, and it also features an adjustable handle with tilting function.
It is collapsible to be folded, making it easy to carry around when unloaded.
Can also be used for picnics, sports carnivals, or a day on the green your Havana outdoor beach wagon will make any activity easier so you can focus on the fun!
Brand: Havana Outdoors
Compact and easy to transport - folds in seconds!
Load capacity: 70-80kg / 110 Litres
Versatile use - great for: Gardening, shopping, picnics, fishing, camping and more
Ideal for most terrains
Sturdy handle for easy portability
Adjustable handle angle
Type: Collapsible Wagon Cart
Colour: Blue
Dimensions Open: 89cm x 52cm x 61cm (L x W x H)
Dimensions Closed: 52cm x 20cm x 76cm (L x W x H)
Wheel dimension 19.5cm
Wagon/Frame Material: Metal with 600D polyester fabric
Wheels: Hard-wearing rubber
Weight: 9.3kg
Package Contents:
1 x Beach Wagon
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So, you're ready for the beach, equipped yourself with umbrellas, balls, beach toys, food and drink to make your trip awesome. But the issue is that you simply can't bring all that stuff at once.
The Havana Outdoors Beach Wagon makes carrying your outdoor gear super convenient! a must-have when camping, or even moving things around the yard when gardening.
Made with a strong and sturdy steel frame and rubber wheels that roll easily over the sand, this wagon has a massive weight capacity of 80kg so you can load it up with absolutely everything you need for your day in the sun!
This utility wagon cart is designed to be long-lasting and durable with a large capacity to be your ideal outdoor activity assistant. You can store almost anything you want, and it also features an adjustable handle with tilting function.
It is collapsible to be folded, making it easy to carry around when unloaded.
Can also be used for picnics, sports carnivals, or a day on the green your Havana outdoor beach wagon will make any activity easier so you can focus on the fun!
Brand: Havana Outdoors
Compact and easy to transport - folds in seconds!
Load capacity: 70-80kg / 110 Litres
Versatile use - great for: Gardening, shopping, picnics, fishing, camping and more
Ideal for most terrains
Sturdy handle for easy portability
Adjustable handle angle
Type: Collapsible Wagon Cart
Colour: Blue
Dimensions Open: 89cm x 52cm x 61cm (L x W x H)
Dimensions Closed: 52cm x 20cm x 76cm (L x W x H)
Wheel dimension 19.5cm
Wagon/Frame Material: Metal with 600D polyester fabric
Wheels: Hard-wearing rubber
Weight: 9.3kg
Package Contents:
1 x Beach Wagon
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